You name it… whatever your issue is, being free from anxiety or panic will enable you to see a way forward.

If you are angry or simply sad, you can begin to take action which will help your situation, rather than worsen it or reinforce it.

Your issue is specific and unique to you; just because your bad habit is say, comfort eating or binge drinking, doesn't mean you share the same triggers with someone else, who also overeats or drinks to excess.

Over the last seventeen years I've worked with people who have presented with a vast range of behaviours they've wanted to change – from nail biting through to bulimia; from anorexia through to fear of flying; psychosexual issues through to examination nerves and last but by no means least – those who've wanted to stop smoking.

Hypnotherapy, used in conjunction with counselling skills, can be used to treat almost anything.

I love working with people with eating disorders; seeing an individual blossom as they become proud to be in their skin, is wonderfully satisfying.

But then, so is working with someone used to making poor relationship choices develop into one half of a happy couple; just as it is wonderful to see someone exercise a new found confidence to apply for and win the work role they've always wanted.

What can be treated? Call me and ask. Together, we'll find a way.